Summer Camp Ministry

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Summer Camp Ministry


Experience God at Summer Camp.

New creature in Christ

Through our camp ministry thousands of children have been told that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their lives.  Yes, summer camp ministry is a great adventure for children, changing their hearts forever. Known as Breakaway this summer we have events scheduled from South Carolina to Nevada.Cool



Begin your day at camp with music.

Bring summer camp alive with wholesome, Christian music that children will love to sing.

Our Agenda

Summer Camp is a great adventure with the prayer and support from Bayside Church, corporate sponsors, and friends.

In 2023 we provided funding for Liberty Church in Missouri for t-shirts and arts and crafts. At this location we started with 160 kids where dozens of kids invited Christ into their hearts by Thursday. Moving Breakaway to the town square did not work as we planned. But God had a bigger plan wherein 600 kids came to this church on Friday evening to our free carnival for fun games and activities. It was all about impacting their lives.

In 2023 we assisted Becky Geist, children pastor,  in Pawnee Illinois. With 32 kids and adults, it marked growth from Breakaway and a larger room was needed for Sunday School.

In 2023 we assisted Bayside Church of Ely Nevada where dozens of kids came for the first time. We provided curriculum and t-shirts to benefit their Breakaway VBS.

In 2023, 120 kids came to Pine Ridge Breakaway both children and youth led by Kim O'Daniel. We served in a rural church on this Indian Reservation ending the week with prayed over donated Bibles given to teens. On Friday our service project was to rebuild a community play ground and we did.

In 2023 sponsored Breakaway for Bethel Evangelical Church in western Alaska providing curriculum and t-shirts for 62 Eskimo children, youth, and volinteers. Despite Pastor Adam getting Covid, faithful volunteers led this program where two children accepted Jesus.

In 2023 Shaktoolik Covenant Church started a midweek youth group. Located in western Alaska on the Bering Sea coast, we have provided Breakaway VBS in previous years to 120 children and youth. A number of our Bayside teens have assisted at this location located on the Iditarod Trail, 900 miles wet of Anchoarge AK.

In 2024 it will be a busy summer with God empowering our leaders in :

  • Christian Church, Anderson SC beginning June 10, 2024
  • Life Church, Potosi MO beginning July 22, 2024
  • Pine Ride Indian Reservation Breakaway beginning July 14, 2024.
  • Bayside Church, ELy NV beginning August 5, 2024.
  • First Baptist Church, Huron SD, beginning August 14, 2024.
  • Covenent Church, Bethel AK with date undetermined.

Wanna join us at a camp described above? We think you'll love the adventure. Can't join us, you can assist with your tax deductible donation.

Summer Camp Ministry Inc is a 501(c)3 organization with the Internal Revenue Service under EIN 47-2436819. We will gladly provide you a tax deductible receipt for your donation of $100, $500,  $1500, or whatever you choose to give. Your donation makes possible the funding of teen leaders, arts/crafts, and camp scholarships that allow children to experience God at summer camp.

E-Mail Contact:

Refer to our 'Contact Us' page in our website or simply click on the email address listed below. 

<p><span style="font-size: 12pt;">Dated: October 21, 2021</span></p>